Association of Specialist Budgerigar Societies
Incorporating the CBC, CBBA, RV&CBS, SBBA & VBC
Including Colour Budgerigars
Founded 1st January 2018


New LABS President Collin Dailey (centre) with the judges Geoff Tillson (left) and Martin Bagnall (right)

Best Lutino Young Bird - Cy Thorne

Anthony Derricutt - Best Albino in Show


By Ghalib Al-Nasser, Event Organiser

The sixth combined annual members’ show of the Association of Specialist Budgerigar Societies (incorporating the Crested BC, Rare Variety & Colour BS, Spangled BBA & Variegated BC) and the Lutino & Albino BS in May at their usual venue in Bugbrooke was another great success despite the slight drop in entry. Both the judges and exhibitors felt that the atmosphere was good, relaxing and pleasant and with good attendance at the AGMs of the ASBS & LABS. We are all looking forward to next year’s event at the same venue in Bugbrooke on 17th May.

Throughout the day Sue Clarke, ably assisted by Jan Hill & Margaret Walker, were kept busy providing first class refreshments and an excellent buffet lunch for which we were all grateful. The show ran very efficiently with Rod Clarke as show secretary and Cy Thorne as show manager; with John Cosby dealing with patronage, Janice Al-Nasser dealing with the finances and Ghalib overlooking the organisation and smooth running of the day. Flower presentations were made to both Sue & her team at the end of the day for their sterling work.

Budgerigar Society President Ronnie Simpson, Nigel Beevers & John Cooke were pleased with the quality of the exhibits and number of birds that they judged. The show had a slight drop in total entry to 265 from the same number of exhibitors of 31 as last year with 255 were benched.

The Judges - John Cooke, Ronnie Simpson & Nigel Beevers

The best lutino in show was an adult quality cock staged by Colin & Lynne Dailey followed by another quality hen in second place from Roger Hill. Mark Bannister from the intermediate section was third with a hen which was also best young lutino in show.

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser winners of Best Redeye, Crest & Spangle

Lutino winners - Colin & Lynne Daily and Mark Bannister

The best of the albinos entered was another quality cock staged by Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser which was also Best Redeye in Show. Mark Bannister was second with a young hen which was also best young albino in show. Mark also staged an adult cock to win third best in section.

The crested entry was good and the best of this variety was a quality circular light green cock benched by Ghalib & Janice. Shaun Smith occupied the next two places with a half circular yellowface cobalt hen and half circular cinnamon light green cock. David & Linda Rafis benched a circular dominant pied light green cock as the best crest young bird.

The spangle entry was high again with 58 entered, and the best of the spangles was a smart grey cock benched by Ghalib & Janice. In the spangle green the best was Gren & Pat Norris with a cinnamon grey green cock while Cy Thorne won the spangle green young bird award. The Al-Nasser’s grey cock was the spangle blue section winner with the novice partnership of Michael Briggs & Tim Williams winning the young bird award with a skyblue hen. ASBS President Arnold Stevens won the double factor award with an adult yellow cock while the Briggs & Williams partnership won the young bird award with a white cock.

Spangle Green winners - Gren & Pat Norris and Cy Thorne

DF Spangle winners - Arnold Stevens & Michael Briggs

The Briggs & Williams partnership won the dominant pied section with a grey cock while Ghalib & Janice were second with a yellowface grey cock. John Cosby was third with a cobalt hen. Tiffany Newson from the junior section benched the best young bird with a cobalt cock. Best clearflight was won by Sue & Rod Clarke with a grey green cock.

Tiffany Newson - Best Dominant Pied Young Bird

There was a drop in entry with the recessive pieds benched and the best was an adult cobalt cock benched by Gren & Pat Norris. Terence Ross from the novice section was second with another cobalt cock followed by Dave Moss with a young violet hen in third place. Unfortunately there were no dark-eyed clears benched this year.

Dave Moss who won Best Recessive Pied Young Bird

There was a total entry of 43 in the rare variety section and David Turner headed this section with a quality Texas clearbody cobalt cock. Bob Allen was second with a German fallow skyblue cock which was followed by a slate hen benched by Sue & Rod Clarke. Other awards in this section apart from the three above varieties went to David & Linda Rafis, best anthracite; Jan Hill, best English fallow & rainbow; Bob Allen, best saddleback; Sue & Rod Clarke, best Easley clearbody; Mark Bannister, best lacewing and Colin & Lynne Dailey, best greywing.

David Turner who won Best Clearbody in Show

David Rafis who won Best Anthracite in Show

John Mould won best barhead in show. There were 21 colour budgerigars entered and John Cosby won the best overall with a mauve cock. Oliver & Simon Williams were second with a Texas clearbody mauve cock. Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the colour budgerigar pair class with a pair of opaline cobalts.

John Cosby winner of Best Colour Budgerigar



Cage No

Any Age

Cage No

Young Bird



C.& L. Daily*


M. Bannister



G.& J. Al-Nasser**


M. Bannister



G.& J. Al-Nasser*


D.& L. Rafis

Spangle Green


G.& P. Norris *


C. Thorne

Spangle Blue


G.& J. Al-Nasser**


Briggs& Williams

D.F. Spangle


A. Stevens  *


Briggs& Williams



Briggs& Williams*


Miss T. Newson



S.& R. Clarke





G.& P. Norris*


D. Moss

Dark Eyed







D.& L. Rafis*


D.& L. Rafis

Eng. Fallow


Mrs J.A. Hill *



Ger. Fallow







Mrs J.A. Hill *





R.J. Allen *







R.J. Allen *



D.A. Turner *





G.& P. Norris


S.& R. Clarke *



M. Bannister *


C. Thorne





C.& L. Dailey *











Col. Budgerigar


J. Cosby *


J. Cosby



G.& J. Al-Nasser *






J. Mould



Miss T. Newson


Miss T. Newson

* * Best of Variety Overall     * Best of Colour


By Ghalib Al-Nasser, Event Organiser

The fifth combined annual members’ show of the new Association of Specialist Budgerigar Societies (incorporating the Crested BC, Rare Variety & Colour BS, Spangled BBA & Variegated BC) and the Lutino & Albino BS in May was another great success. Both the judges and exhibitors felt that the atmosphere was good, relaxing and pleasant, with good attendance at the AGMs of the ASBS and LABS. We are all looking forward to next year’s event at the same venue in Bugbrooke on 19th May 2019. Because of the packed morning of AGMs it was decided not to have a speaker in the afternoon but to give the exhibitor’s time to relax, socialise and enjoy the day.

Throughout the day Sue Clarke, assisted by Jan Hill and Jini Sharpe, were kept busy providing first class refreshments and an excellent buffet lunch for which we were all grateful. The show ran very efficiently with Rod Clarke as show secretary and Cy Thorne as show manager; with David Sharpe dealing with patronage, Janice Al-Nasser dealing with the finances and Ghalib Al-Nasser overlooking the organisation and smooth running of the day. Presentations were made to both Sue and her team at the end of the day for their sterling work.

Steve Cox, Neil Johnson and Andy Thorpe were pleased with the quality of the exhibits and number of birds that they judged. The show had an increase in both exhibitors and exhibits and received a total entry of 301 from 31 exhibitors which was a record since the inception of this joint venture.

The best lutino in show was an adult quality cock staged by Geoff Bowley followed by another quality hen in second place from the Bowley stud. Colin & Lynne Dailey were third with a cock. Roger Hill benched a lutino cock as best young lutino in show.

Geoff Bowley - Best Lutino, Albino & Rare

The best of the albinos entered was another quality hen staged by Geoff Bowley followed by an albino cock staged by Alan Kelly. Mark Bannister from the novice section staged an adult cock in third place. Mark also staged a young hen to win best young bird in section.

The crested entry was good and the best of this variety was a quality circular skyblue cock benched by Paul Cheatley and Terry Alcorn, which was last year’s winner as a young bird. Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser were second with an adult circular spangle grey green cock followed by the Cheatley and Alcorn partnership in third position and also best crest young bird with a circular opaline cinnamon skyblue hen.

Paul Cheatley - Best Crest

The spangle entry was high with 44 benched. The best of the spangles for the second year running, was a wide headed cinnamon grey cock benched by Gren and Pat Norris. In the spangle green the best was Bob Allen with a grey green cock. This was followed by the intermediates Colin and Lynne Dailey in second place and Roger Swain and Sue Ford in third place. The winners of the spangle blue series were the Norris’s with their best spangle exhibit. This was followed by the beginner Michael Briggs in second and third place. Best young spangle blue was an opaline grey cock bred from Roger Hill. The best of the double factors was a yellow hen belonging to Brian Whitlock while Arnold Stevens was second. Mark Bannister was third and the best young bird was a white hen from Cy Thorne.

Bob Allen - Best Spangle Green

Brian Whitlock - Best Double Factor Spangle

Gren & Pat Norris won the dominant pied section with a skyblue hen. Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser were second with a goldenface grey cock while Michael Briggs was third with a cinnamon grey hen who also benched the best young bird with a cobalt cock. Best clearflight was won by Cyril, David and Jini Sharpe.

Pat and Gren Norris - Best Spangle and Best Dominant Pied

There were 43 recessive pieds benched and the best was an adult light green cock benched by Gren and Pat Norris who also benched a cobalt cock in second place. Shaun Smith from the novice section benched a violet cock in third place. John Cosby benched the best young bird with a cobalt cock. Best dark-eyed clear was won by Ian and Pat Fielding with a white cock.

There was a total entry of 64 in the rare variety section and Geoff Bowley headed this section with a quality lacewing yellow hen. Bob Allen won the rare variety young bird with a slate while Deamonn Mullee was second with another slate and Shaun Smith third also with a slate. Cy Thorne won the clearbody section with a Texas clearbody hen followed by John Cosby’s Texas adult cock. Gren and Pat Norris were third with an Easley clearbody light green cock. In the lacewing section Geoff Bowley occupied first and second place followed by Cyril, David and Jini Sharpe in third place. Bob Allen won the young bird award. Other awards in this section apart from the three above varieties went to Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, best anthracite; Bob Allen, best English fallow and slate; Cyril, David and Jini Sharpe, best German fallow and saddleback; Sue and Rod Clarke, best rainbow; Gren and Pat Norris, best Easley clearbody.

The best of the barheads was won by Timothy Williams. There were two lutino pairs benched and the best was benched by Colin and Lynne Dailey followed by David and Linda Rafis. There were two teams benched and the best was of four lutino hens benched by David and Linda Rafis followed by four spangle yellowface skyblue colour budgerigar cocks benched by Oliver and Simon Williams. There were 20 colour budgerigars entered and Oliver and Simon Williams won the class with a Texas clearbody cobalt hen followed by their yellow cock in second place. Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser were third with a dominant pied opaline light green cock.

Catering for all Crested, Clearwing, Colour Budgerigar, Rare Varieties, Spangle and Pied Enthusiasts


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